DBT Skills Groups

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD, is designed to treat chronic suicidality, self-harm, Borderline Personality Disorder, and disorders of emotional, self and behavioral dysregulation. Research shows DBT skills training to be effective in the treatment of eating disorders and substance abuse. DBT teaches skills that target problematic behaviors and learned coping styles through four modules: core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. All DBT classes are led by two therapists in order to balance dynamics of acceptance and push for change.
To learn more about DBT and to review the current research see www.behavioraltech.org.

To join a class, contact us at info@sanantoniodbtcbt.com

DBT Skills class rotation is 24 weeks long. Research recommends completing the entire skills class twice (total of 48 weeks)
All Classes meet for 2 hours/weekly
$65 per class
Patients may begin at the beginning of any skills module
Separate classes will be offered for adolescents and adults