Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals learn about and change thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that contribute to their current struggles.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is:
- Evidence-Based: Research has shown CBT to be an effective form of treatment for a variety of disorders, such as anxiety and depression. As a client, you and your therapist will collect data to monitor your own progress and adjust treatment as needed to increase effectiveness.
- Present Focused: The things that have occurred in your past can impact you significantly. However, not all things in our past are impacting us all the time. CBT is present focused in that it focuses on the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that are impacting you in the present moment, which may or may not include your past. The question is, “how is this impacting me now?”
- Collaborative: You and your therapist will work together as a team to work on understanding your current struggles and developing a plan to address them.
- Goal-Oriented: You and your therapist will work together to identify goals for your treatment. Examples of goals include improving relationships, reducing symptoms (e.g., oversleeping, avoidance, rumination, anger outbursts), increasing food variety, or reducing procrastination.
- Active: Your therapist will take an active role as a teacher and coach. You will take an active role in your own recovery: learning and practicing skills in and out of session.
What does CBT treatment look like?
Treatment includes individual therapy and is time-limited. To learn more, visit:
Types of CBT we provide include:
- Traditional CBT
- Prolonged Exposure for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and related disorders
- Exposure Response Prevention for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
- Interoceptive Exposure for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia
Diagnoses treated with CBT include:
PTSD | OCD | Anxiety Disorders | Depression |
Hoarding | Body Image and Body Dysmorphia |
Tinnitus | Chronic Pain |
Agoraphobia ADHD |
Insomnia/Sleep Issues Perinatal Disorder |
Panic Disorder | Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) |
Our CBT Team: