Nicole Struble, LCSW is opening up her book group, Present Perfect, to new members!
This group will be reading and discussing the book Present Perfect: A Mindfulness Approach to Letting Go of Perfectionism and the Need for Control by Pavel Somov, Ph.D.
You might struggle with perfectionism if you identify with any of the following:
- Excessive concern for details
- Extreme devotion to work and productivity (at the expense of leisure)
- Excessive conscientiousness, scrupulousness, thriftiness, inflexibility and rigidity in the issues of morality and ethics
- Reluctance to delegate tasks
- Reluctance to relinquish control
Through participation in this group, you will be able to examine the ways in which perfectionism has impacted your life and begin building Somov’s seven elements of existential rehabilitation, listed below:
- The habit of making your own meaning
- The habit of noticing ordinary perfection
- The habit of being present in the moment
- The habit of making conscious choices
- The habit of self-acceptance
- The habit of accepting uncertainty
- The habit of forgiving and compassion
This group will meet weekly. The cost is $65 per session. Dates and times TBD.
If you are interested in joining, please call the main line at (210) 906-8428 to get started!